Natalia Adamczyk

She was born and still lives in Poznań. She was supposed to become a Polish language teacher, but she left that idea behind five reading rooms and seven forests. Thanks to that, today she can introduce herself as an educator, cultural animator, trainer, and certified forest bathing guide. For years, she has been conducting educational and art therapy workshops based on elements of book therapy, horticultural therapy, and visual arts for children of different ages. She also conducts training and designs events, performances, and installations based on the concept of pop-up museums. She has worked and continues to work with numerous children’s book publishers (including Zakamarki, Publicat), cultural institutions, and NGOs (Brama Poznania, CK Zamek in Poznań, Centrum Sztuki Dziecka, and the Serdecznik Foundation). She is a two-time finalist of the Center for Educational Practices project grants in schools, combining education with animation. In 2021, she earned her shinrin-yoku guide certification through training with Forest Therapy Hub.