Code of Ethics


Forest Bathing Guide:

  • Informs participants about how to prepare for the practice, including what to bring and how to dress to minimize potential risks.
  • Explains what forest bathing is and ensures the safety of participants during the forest bathing session.
  • Familiarizes themselves with the space in which the forest bathing session will take place.
  • Creates a safe environment for participants to immerse themselves in nature, emphasizing the voluntary nature of participation in forest bathing. The guide does not provide directives regarding specific activities, does not judge, and does not impose solutions on participants. Instead, they invite gentle immersion in the atmosphere of the forest.
  • Structures the walk in a way that facilitates participants’ immersion in nature, allowing them to experience it through their senses and, at the end, facilitates the closure and integration of the experience.
  • Adheres to legal regulations regarding the protection and processing of participants’ personal data.
  • Maintains confidentiality, sharing only what they have received consent for from the participants (including the publication of accounts and images on social media, websites, etc.).
  • Carries a first aid kit during walks and has completed a first aid course.
  • Works with age-specific groups or individuals with special health requirements, taking into account their own competencies and experience.
  • Does not consume alcohol, use drugs, or smoke during forest bathing sessions.
  • Guides forest bathing sessions with mindfulness towards the walking process, the participants, and their needs.


Forest Bathing Guide:

  • Works in partnership with nature.
  • Prioritizes the well-being of nature over the demands of participants and does not disturb natural ecological processes.
  • Abides by legal regulations and applicable rules in the area where they work, and ensures that participants also adhere to them.
  • Informs participants at the beginning of the walk about the rules and regulations specific to the area and provides information about the location itself.
  • Takes daily actions to minimize negative impact on nature and ensures that both their own presence and that of the forest bathing participants leave no trace.
  • Supports and engages in nature conservation efforts.


Forest Bathing Guide:

  • Demonstrates respect for local culture and community.
  • Does not engage in any form of discrimination.
  • Whenever possible, collaborates, supports, shares knowledge, and involves the local community or specific groups in the project.
  • Does not impose personal beliefs and creates a safe, non-judgmental space for participants to share their thoughts and feelings. Responds to inappropriate or imposing behaviors from participants, aiming to ensure the comfort of the group.


Forest Bathing Guide:

  • Adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Polish Forest Bathing Society (PTKL) and encourages other guides to do the same.
  • Conducts forest bathing sessions in partnership with nature, respecting its rights.
  • Bases their practice on knowledge, experience, and scientific research findings.
  • Continuously enhances their skills through self-study, participation in training, supervision, and other supportive methods.
  • Ensures transparency in their actions, clear communication, and collaboration with other forest bathing guides, participants in the process, and partners.
  • Respects intellectual property, both their own and that of others.